PROMICROBE - SINTEF, Fisheries & Aquaculture Dept.
SINTEF is a multidisciplinary research organisation that finds intelligent, profitable solutions for the public and private sectors' needs based on research and development in technology, the natural sciences, medicine and the social sciences. SINTEF collaborates closely with the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and the University of Oslo. SINTEF has extensive experience in the coordination and management of national and international research projects, including EU-funded projects. The SINTEF Group includes five legal entities; the SINTEF Foundation with five institutes, and four fully controlled daughter organizations.
SINTEF Fisheries and Aquaculture is one of the four daughter organizations of the SINTEF Group. SINTEF-FA has 105 employees and possesses a wide range of expertise and know-how in exploiting renewable marine resources. The institute comprises five departments, whereof the Department of Marine Resources technology has been involved in marine larviculture research since the mid 1980ies and is in charge of highly specialized laboratories for technological and experimental work within live feed and marine juvenile production. Together with NTNU, SINTEF has been a pioneer in developing biological knowledge and technology for intensive rearing of coldwater species such as cod.
Tasks within the project
Experience relative to the tasks
Staff profile
SINTEF-FA has participated in many European Framework Programs both in FP5 and FP6. The most recent ones are PROBE (Q5RS-2000-31457), POCEFF (Q5CR-2002-72468) and Rotigen (Q5RS-2002-01302).
Relevant publications
- Skjermo, J. and Vadstein, O. (1999). Techniques for microbial control in the intensive rearing of marine larvae. Aquaculture 177: 333-343.
- Skjermo, J. and Bergh, Ø. (2004). High-M alginate immunostimulation of Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.) larvae using Artemia for delivery, increases resistance against vibriosis. Aquaculture 238: 107-113.
- Skjermo, J., Størseth, T.R., Hansen, K., Handå, A. and Øie, G. (2006). Evaluation of β-(1→3, 1→6)-glucans and High-M alginate used as immunostimulatory dietary supplement during first feeding and weaning of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.). Aquaculture 261:1088-1101.
- Fjellheim, A. J., Playfoot, K. J., Skjermo, J., and O. Vadstein. (2007). Vibrionaceae dominates the microflora antagonistic towards Listonella anguillarum in the intestine of cultured Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) larvae. Aquaculture 26: 98–106.